I’m proud to announce that Tallahassee Neurological Clinic (TNC) is participating the NEWTON2 trial, and we are currently enrolling patients. NEWTON2 is a phase 3 randomized trial evaluating intraventricular nimodipine (EG-1962) versus standard of care oral nimodipine in patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage due to ruptured brain aneurysms. This makes Tallahassee the only center in the region that provides full service cerebrovascular care and cutting edge stroke and brain aneurysm research.

Participating in well designed clinical trials, such as NEWTON2, helps ensure that the care we provide in the future will be better than the care we provide today. I’m very proud that we are participating in this trial, as it helps advance our field within neurosurgery, and hopefully will improve outcomes for patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage.
TNC is the only neurosurgical group in the region with three endovascular neurosurgeons, who provide comprehensive care for ischemic stroke, hemorrhagic stroke, brain aneurysms, and carotid disease. We have an active clinical research division and have participated in numerous device and drug trials for neurosurgical patients.

To learn more about the novel compound, EG-1962, please visit edge therapeutics: http://www.edgetherapeutics.com/pipeline/#eg-1962
To learn more about NEWTON2, visit clinicaltrials.gov